Happy New Year! I really can’t believe we are already 20 days in 2014…that’s just crazy! I have been crafting my little booty off and have a bunch of fun valentine ideas to share with you. Today we are talking bubbles!
I picked up a 3 pack of bubbles at the dollar store and made cute little stickers using a full sheet of weatherproof glossy labels from OnlineLabels. Print, cut, stick…you’re done!
For a limited time you can download a free copy of the labels. Just click on the images below and you will be directed to the download link.
*For personal use only. Commercial use or mass production strictly prohibited. This represents my original work and may not be copied, produced or used for sale, distributed or shared. This includes but is not limited to selling or distributing on forums such Etsy, eBay, blogs websites, craft shows, fundraisers, boutiques, for example. All rights reserved by Made by a Princess Parties in Style. Copyright protected.